Wednesday 8 October 2014

My First Blog Post & Mobile App

Hello and a warm welcome to viewers out there, this is my very first blog entry. The first time I tried blogging was after my final semester examination in uni. At that time, several female were blogging out their love stories and I joined in the fun since there weren't anything much to do after exams. Unfortunately after returning to my home country and starting to struggle in the corporate world, there isn't much stuffs to blog about or simply no time to do it. However, since this blogging facility is bundled together with Google account, I shall make it a point to blog as and when there is any interesting stuffs to share.

OK ... here is my first blog entry.

Mobile apps (running on smartphones) are getting increasingly popular these days. Most organisations would like to create their own mobile app for sharing and collecting information. The customers or end-users on the other hand would benefit from this value-add service or rather essential service which the organisation is expected to provide. Nowadays, some youngsters even find it uncool not to have wireless 3G/4G connection, not to mention being smartphone-less. As such, being a trained and qualified programer, there is no reason for me not to try my hand at developing mobile app. Currently as far as I know, there are 2 platforms for mobile app which is Android and iOS. I chose Android platform as it is more popular and easier to find resources compared to iOS.

The first official mobile app I created is known as the "Compatibility Rating" app which is a horoscope app to determine compatibility rating among a couple. It is a simple app that reads both date of births, post them to the horoscope site (, retrieves the result and display it on the smartphone screen. The user has the option to click a button and select whether to share the result via email or whatsapp. I chose to follow Western horoscope over Chinese one because in my opinion, Western horoscope seem more accurate. Chinese horoscope is more abstract as the compatibility matching is based on the year of birth (animal zodiac).

I have no intention of submitting this app to Google Play store as I believe there are already many such apps available out there with more features. Moreover, there may be issue with the terms of use as the result are retrieved from a horoscope site not owned or controlled by me. Although it is very simple, at least this is the first humble mobile app which I developed myself.

Kudos to a friend of mine who installed this app on her smartphone and helped me test it out!

That's all for my first blog entry and hope the content does not disappoint you.

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